🎊 Welcome to my website!

My name is Kai Li (Chinese name: 李凯). I’m a first-year PHD student at Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, supervised by Prof. Xiaolin Hu (胡晓林). I am also a member of TSAIL Group directed by Prof. Bo Zhang (张拨) and Prof. Jun zhu (朱军).

I was an intern at Tencent AI Lab , mainly doing research on speech and music, supervised by Yi Luo (罗艺).

I got my bachelor’s degree from Department of Computer Technology and Application, Qinghai University, supervised by Prof. Jianqiang Huang (黄建强) and Prof. Chunmei Li (李春梅)

🤗   These works are open source to the best of my ability.

🤗   My research interest includes Speech/Music Separation, Multi-Modal Speech Separation, and Audio LLM. I have published many papers at the top conferences/journals such as NeurIPS/ICLR/TPAMI/ICASSP/Interspeech. If you want to collaborate, feel free to email me.

🔥 News

  • 2024.08: 🎉 Winner of the Best Student Presentation Award in NCMMSC 2024
  • 2024.08: 🎲 One paper is accepted by Remote Sensing 2024.
  • 2024.06: 🎉 I was awarded the Excellent Master Thesis of Tsinghua University
  • 2024.06: 🎉 I was awarded Outstanding Graduate of Beijing
  • 2024.05: 🧩 One paper is accepted by ICML 2024.
  • 2024.04: 🎲 One paper is accepted by ISMIR 2024.
  • 2024.04: 🎲 One paper is accepted by ICME 2024.
  • 2024.03: 🎲 One paper is accepted by TPAMI 2024.
  • 2024.01: 🎲 One paper is accepted by ICLR 2024.
  • 2024.01: 🎲 One paper is accepted by TGRS 2024.
  • 2023.12: 🧩 Two papers are accepted by ICASSP 2024.
  • 2023.07: 🎲 One paper is accepted by ECAI 2023 (Oral).
  • 2023.05: 🧩 Two papers are accepted by Interspeech 2023.
  • 2023.05: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 of the Cinematic Sound Demixing Track 23 in the Leaderboard A and B.
  • 2023.05: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 of the ASC23 and Best Application Award.
  • 2023.02: 🧩 One paper is accepted by ICASSP 2023.
  • 2023.01: 🧩 One paper is accepted by ICLR 2023.
  • 2022.06: 🧩 One paper is accepted by Neural Computation.
  • 2022.06: 🎉 One paper is accepted by InterSpeech 2022.
  • 2022.06: 🎲 One paper is appeared by Arxiv.
  • 2022.05: 🧩 One paper to submit in Nature Machine Intelligence.
  • 2022.03: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 of the Global College Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC22)
  • 2022.03: 🧩 One paper to submit in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
  • 2022.03: 🧩🧩 Two paper to submit in Interspeech 2022.
  • 2021.10: 🎉 paper is accepted by NeurIPS 2021
  • 2021.05: 🎉 We won the 5% of the [Global College Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC20-21)](http://www.asc-events.net/ASC20-21/Finals.php)
  • 2021.01: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 of the [Global College Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC20-21)](http://www.asc-events.net/ASC20-21/Finals.php)
  • 2020.06: 🎉 Outstanding Bachelor Thesis Award, Qinghai University of Computer Science and Technology !
  • 2020.06: 🎉 Outstanding Graduates, Qinghai University of Computer Science and Technology !
  • 2020.04: 🧩 One paper is accepted by IET image processing
  • 2020.01: 🏢 I am an algorithm intern at Moyin Technology .
  • 2019.11: 🧩 One paper is accepted by ISPA2019
  • 2019.11: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 of the first "Ganqingning" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition !
  • 2019.11: 🎉 I won the National Scholarship, Ministry of Education, China !
  • 2019.05: 🎉 We won the second prize 🥈 in the Natural Academic Paper category of the National College Student Challenge Cup Qinghai Provincial Trial !
  • 2019.05: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 in the Qinghai Division of the 6th National Youth Science Innovation Experiment and Work Competition !
  • 2019.05: 🎉 One paper is accepted by ICDIP2019
  • 2019.04: 🧩 I won the second prize 🥈 at the provincial level in the Blue Bridge Cup Java Group A!
  • 2018.12: 🎉 We won the first prize 🥇 of natural academic paper in the first "Principals Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Qinghai Province !

📝 Publications

( * equal contribution, # corresponding author)


ICML 2024

IIANet: an intra- and inter-modality attention network for audio-visual speech separation Kai Li, Runxuan Yang, Sun Fuchun, Xiaolin Hu. ICML 2024. Vienna, Austria.

  • Inspired by the cross-modal processing mechanism in the brain, we design intra- and inter-attention modules to integrate auditary and visual information for efficient speech separation. The model simulates audio-visual fusion in different levels of sensory cortical areas as well as higher association areas such as parietal cortex.
Remote Sensing 2024

Towards Robust Pansharpening: A Large-Scale High-Resolution Multi-Scene Dataset and Novel Approach Shiying Wang, Xuechao Zou, Kai Li, Junliang Xing, Tengfei Cao, Pin Tao. Remote Sensing 2024.

  • PanBench, a high-resolution multi-scene dataset containing all mainstream satellites and comprising 5898 pairs of samples.
ISMIR 2024

The sound demixing challenge 2023–Cinematic demixing track. Stefan Uhlich, Giorgio Fabbro, Masato Hirano, Shusuke Takahashi, Gordon Wichern, Jonathan Le Roux, Dipam Chakraborty, Sharada Mohanty, Kai Li, Yi Luo, Jianwei Yu, Rongzhi Gu, Roman Solovyev, Alexander Stempkovskiy, Tatiana Habruseva, Mikhail Sukhovei, Yuki Mitsufuji. ISMIR 2024.

  • This paper summarizes the cinematic demixing (CDX) track of the Sound Demixing Challenge 2023 (SDX’23). We provide a comprehensive summary of the challenge setup, detailing the structure of the competition and the datasets used.
Arxiv 2024

SPMamba: State-space model is all you need in speech separation. Kai Li, Guo Chen. Arxiv 2024.

  • SPMamba revolutionizes the field of speech separation tasks by leveraging the power of Mamba in conjunction with the robust TF-GridNet infrastructure.

  • We have code released at

ICME 2024

High-Fidelity Lake Extraction via Two-Stage Prompt Enhancement: Establishing a Novel Baseline and Benchmark. Ben Chen, Xuechao Zou, Kai Li, Yu Zhang, Junliang Xing, Pin Tao ICME 2024. Niagra Falls, Canada

  • This paper presents LEPrompter, a two-stage prompt-based framework that enhances lake extraction from remote sensing imagery by using training prompts to improve segmentation accuracy and operating prompt-free during inference for efficient automated extraction.

  • We have code released at

TPAMI 2024

An Audio-Visual Speech Separation Model Inspired by Cortico-Thalamo-Cortical Circuits. Kai Li, Fenghua Xie, Hang Chen, Kexin Yuan, Xiaolin Hu. TPAMI 2024.

ICLR 2024

RTFS-Net: Recurrent time-frequency modelling for efficient audio-visual speech separation. Samuel Pegg*, Kai Li*, Xiaolin Hu. ICLR 2024. Vienna, Austria.

  • The core contribution of this paper is the development of the DiffCR framework, a novel fast conditional diffusion model for high-quality cloud removal from optical satellite images, which significantly outperforms existing models in both synthesis quality and computational efficiency.

  • Demo Page |

TGRS 2024

DiffCR: A Fast Conditional Diffusion Framework for Cloud Removal From Optical Satellite Images. Xuechao Zou*, Kai Li*, Junliang Xing, Yu Zhang, Shiying Wang, Lei Jin, Pin Tao. TGRS 2024.

  • The core contribution of this paper is the development of the DiffCR framework, a novel fast conditional diffusion model for high-quality cloud removal from optical satellite images, which significantly outperforms existing models in both synthesis quality and computational efficiency.

  • Demo Page |


Subnetwork-to-go: Elastic Neural Network with Dynamic Training and Customizable Inference. Kai Li, Yi Luo. ICASSP 2024. Seoul, Korea.

  • A method for training neural networks with dynamic depth and width configurations, enabling flexible extraction of subnetworks during inference without additional training.

LEFormer: A Hybrid CNN-Transformer Architecture for Accurate Lake Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery. Ben Chen, Xuechao Zou, Yu Zhang, Jiayu Li, Kai Li, Pin Tao. ICASSP 2024. Seoul, Korea.

  • The core contribution of this paper is the introduction of LEFormer, a hybrid CNN-Transformer architecture that effectively combines local and global features for high-precision lake extraction from remote sensing images, achieving state-of-the-art performance and efficiency on benchmark datasets.


ICIST 2023

TDFNet: An Efficient Audio-Visual Speech Separation Model with Top-down Fusion. Samuel Pegg*, Kai Li*, Xiaolin Hu. ICIST 2023. Cairo, Egypt.

  • TDFNet is a cutting-edge method in the field of audio-visual speech separation. It introduces a multi-scale and multi-stage framework, leveraging the strengths of TDANet and CTCNet. This model is designed to address the inefficiencies and limitations of existing multimodal speech separation models, particularly in real-time tasks.

  • We have code released at

ECAI 2023

PMAA: A Progressive Multi-scale Attention Autoencoder Model for High-Performance Cloud Removal from Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery. Xuechao Zou*, Kai Li*, Junliang Xing, Pin Tao#, Yachao Cui. ECAI 2023. Kraków, Poland.

  • A Progressive Multi-scale Attention Autoencoder (PMAA) model for high-performance cloud removal from multi-temporal satellite imagery, which achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets.
  • We have code released at
ICLR 2023

An efficient encoder-decoder architecture with top-down attention for speech separation. Kai Li, Runxuan Yang, Xiaolin Hu. ICLR 2023. Kigali, Rwanda.

  • Top-down neural projections are ubiquitous in the brain. We found that this kind of projections are very useful for solving the Cocktail Party Problem.

  • 知乎 | Audio Demo Page |

SDX Workshop 2023

One-page Report for Tencent AI Lab’s CDX 2023 System. Kai Li, Yi Luo. SDX Workshop 2023. Paris, France.

  • We present the system of Tencent AI Lab for the Cinematic Sound Demixing Challenge 2023, which is based on a novel neural network architecture and a new training strategy.
Interspeech 2023

Audio-Visual Speech Separation in Noisy Environments with a Lightweight Iterative Model. Héctor Martel, Julius Richter, Kai Li, Xiaolin Hu and Timo Gerkmann. Interspeech 2023. Dublin, Ireland.

  • An audio-visual lightweight iterative model for speech separation in noisy environments. AVLIT employs Progressive Learning (PL) to decompose the mapping between inputs and outputs into multiple steps, enhancing computational efficiency.

  • We have code released at

Interspeech 2023

A Neural State-Space Model Approach to Efficient Speech Separation. Chenchen, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Kai Li, Yuchen Hu, Pin-Jui Ku and Eng Siong Chng. Interspeech 2023. Dublin, Ireland.

  • We propose a Neural State-Space Model (S4M) for speech separation, which can efficiently separate multiple speakers.

  • We have code released at


On the Design and Training Strategies for RNN-based Online Neural Speech Separation Systems. Kai Li, Yi Luo. ICASSP 2023. Melbourne, Australia.

  • The paper explores converting RNN-based offline neural speech separation systems to online systems with minimal performance degradation.


InterSpeech 2022

On the Use of Deep Mask Estimation Module for Neural Source Separation Systems. Kai Li, Xiaolin Hu, Yi Luo. InterSpeech 2022. Incheon, Korea.

  • We propose a Deep Mask Estimation Module for speech separation, which can improve the performance without additional computional complex.
Neural Computation 2022

Inferring mechanisms of auditory attentional modulation with deep neural networks Ting-Yu Kuo, Yuanda Liao, Kai Li, Bo Hong, Xiaolin Hu. Neural Computation, 2022.

  • With the help of DNNs, we suggest that the projection of top-down attention signals to lower stages within the auditory pathway of the human brain plays a more significant role than the higher stages in solving the “cocktail party problem”.

  • We have code released at


NeurIPS 2021

Speech Separation Using an Asynchronous Fully Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network. Xiaolin Hu*, #, Kai Li$^*$, Weiyi Zhang, Yi Luo, Jean-Marie Lemercier, Timo Gerkmann. NeurIPS 2021. Online.

  • This paper introduces an asynchronous updating scheme in a bio-inspired recurrent neural network architecture, significantly enhancing speech separation efficiency and accuracy compared to traditional synchronous methods.

  • 知乎 | Audio Demo Page | Speech Enhancement Demo |

2020 and Prior

IET Image Processing 2020

A Survey of Single Image Super Resolution Reconstruction. Kai Li, Shenghao Yang, Runting Dong, Jianqiang Huang#, Xiaoying Wang. IET Image Processing 2020.

  • This paper provides a comprehensive survey of single image super-resolution reconstruction methods, including traditional methods and deep learning-based methods.
ISPA 2019

Single Image Super-resolution Reconstruction of Enhanced Loss Function with Multi-GPU Training. Jianqiang Huang*, #, Kai Li$^*$, Xiaoying Wang.

  • This paper proposes a multi-GPU training method for single image super-resolution reconstruction, which can significantly reduce training time and improve performance.

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2024.08 Winner of the Best Student Presentation Award in NCMMSC 2024
  • 2024.06 Outstanding Graduate of Beijing
  • 2024.06 Excellent Master Thesis of Tsinghua University
  • 2023.10 Xueye Scholarship
  • 2023.10 Longhu Scholarship
  • 2020.06 Outstanding Bachelor Thesis Award (Top 1%)
  • 2020.06 Outstanding Graduates (Top 1%)
  • 2019.11 National Scholarship (Top 1%)

📖 Educations

  • 2024.09 - now, Ph.D., Tsinghua University, Beijing.
  • 2021.09 - 2024.06, Master, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
  • 2016.09 - 2020.06, Undergraduate, Department of Computer Technology and Application, Qinghai Univeristy, Xining.
  • 2013.09 - 2016.06, Zhengzhou fourth Middle School, Zhengzhou.

💻 Internships

🏁 Services

  • Conference Reviewer: Inetrspeech 2023, ICASSP 2023/2024, NeuralPS 2023, ECAI 2023, ICLR 2024/2025, AAAI 2025.

🧑‍🏫 Teaching

2022 Fall, Head TA in Introduction to Deep Learning (00240332), instructed by Prof. Xiaolin Hu 2023 Fall, Head TA in Neurological and Cognitive Computing (80240642-0), instructed by Prof. Xiaolin Hu

© Kai Li | Last updated: August. 28th, 2023 | Theme by Yi Ren