An efficient encoder-decoder architecture with top-down attention for speech separation

Kai Li, Runxuan Yang, Xiaolin Hu

Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Deep neural networks have shown excellent prospects in speech separation tasks. However, finding the balance between model complexity and performance is still challenging in real-world applications. In this paper, we provide a bio-inspired efficient encoder-decoder architecture by mimicking the brain's top-down attention, called TDANet, with decreased model complexity without sacrificing performance. More specifically, the top-down attention in TDANet is extracted by the global attention (GA) module and the cascaded local attention (LA) layers. The GA module takes multi-scale acoustic features as input to extract global attention signal, which then modulates features of different scale by direct top-down connections. The LA layers use features of adjacent layers as input to extract the local attention signal, which is used to modulate the lateral input in a top-down manner. On three benchmark datasets, TDANet consistently achieved competitive separation performance with high efficiency. Specifically, TDANet's multiply-accumulate operations (MACs) are only 3.7% of A-FRCNN, and CPU inference time is only 14.8% of A-FRCNN. In addition, we propose a large-size variant: TDANet Large, which can obtain state-of-the-art results on three datasets, with MACs still only 7% of A-FRCNN and the CPU inference time is only 33% of A-FRCNN. Our study suggests that top-down attention can be a more efficient strategy for speech separation with less computational cost.

Speech Samples

The model is evaluated with LRS2-2Mix [1]:

Mixture input SudoRM-RF2 DualPathRNN3 A-FRCNN-164 Sepformer5 TDANet (ours) TDANet Large (ours) Ground-Truth


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